Configuring Data Value Score

Asset types are the business assets (business terms, business rules, business policies, and so on) that you work on. For each of the asset types, you can configure data value scoring.

The following steps walk you through configuring data value scoring for business assets.

To enable and configure data value score, follow these steps:

  1. On the Asset Details tab, click .
  2. Select the Enable Scoring check box.
  3. The scoring is enabled.

  4. To configure scoring, click .
  5. The Configure Scoring page appears.

  6. Enter or select appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  7. Field Name


    Score Name

    Specifies the name of the score

    For example, Business Term Score

    DQ Score

    Specifies the weight assigned to the Data Quality Score parameter

    Adjust the slider to set the weight for the Data Quality Score. For example, 50%.

    User Ratings

    Specifies the weight assigned to the User Ratings parameter

    Adjust the slider to set the weight for User Ratings. For example, 20%.

    Asset Completeness

    Specifies the weight assigned to the Asset Completeness parameter

    Adjust the slider to set the weight for Asset Completeness. For example, 30%


    Specifies the score ranges for each classification level

    • Gold: Defines the Gold classification, representing the highest value assets.

    • Silver: Defines the Silver classification, representing mid-tier value assets.

    • Bronze: Defines the Bronze classification, representing the lowest value assets.

    Enable Scoring as

    Specifies the scoring mode

    • Key: Enables scoring based on key parameters

    • Value: Enables scoring based on value parameters

    • Both: Enables scoring based on both key and value parameters.

  8. Click .
  9. Click .
    The changes you made are available on the asset type creation page in the Business Glossary Manager. For more information, refer to the Using Business Glossary Manager topic.

To discard your changes, click .